Intimacy with All Things

What do we focus on?

Clients can focus on one topic -- such as improving their relationships -- or work on several aspects of their life at the same time.

If you find yourself here, it may be because you feel stuck in one or more areas of your life. You might be dealing with addiction, depression or anxiety. You might be wanting more for yourself out of life, and wondering why it is just out of reach. There may be deeply rooted patterns that keep on showing up, no matter how much effort is put in to dissolve them.

I've been in all of these places and am here to help you release deeply rooted patterns that are keeping you stuck, help connect you to your purpose, and learn how to transform from your most painful experiences.

My role is to empower you to go out and show up in the world with presence and integrity and embody your true self in most authentic way possible at this time in your life.

I do my best to create a unique experience for each of my clients by combining my 20 years of personal experience transcending and including conventional and traditional ideas, concepts and values and moving into higher stages of development in a way that feels inspiring, nourishing and empowering.

My Coaching utilizes the power of presence to bring new awareness to existing problems. In each session we will focus on your challenge. We’ll spend our time together helping you change the way you see your situation and discovering ways for you to resolve it. 

This is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Informed with your unique goals, values, and desires, we will design your program. 

Typically I like to work with a block of sessions or a coaching commitment over a period of time like 3-9 months so that there’s a strong container for development. 

Learn & Get Inspired

My intention is to make coaching accessible. If you need a pay-what-you-can option, please reach out. And if we are a good fit, we can put something together for you.